Little Political
Check out the cool sketches done by Andy on his Nokia 770 over at his new site about politics, Little Political. I like the style he's using in his drawings. Can't wait to see what cool topics he depicts in his future posts.

Check out the cool sketches done by Andy on his Nokia 770 over at his new site about politics, Little Political. I like the style he's using in his drawings. Can't wait to see what cool topics he depicts in his future posts.
Hey thanks for the mention, Derek! Your Internet Tablet Art Gallery was what inspired me to give the Sketch app a try on my 770.
You can see a few other 770 sketches on my Flickr page:
No problem. I'm glad to have inspired you to use the drawing capabilities of the 770. In turn, your work has inspired me again, and possibly others to use the Sketch app.
Derek the artwork looks really good. My 770 got the white screen of death recently and I had it replaced, but have been a little hesitant to "befriend" it again. But your and Andy's pics have inspired me and I'll have a play with it this weekend.
Warm regards
Thanks. I'm sorry to hear about your tablet getting the WSD, but I'm glad to hear that you're planing on doing some more artwork soon. Let me know if you'd like to have some of your work displayed in the gallery as well.
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