Friday, April 07, 2006

News 04.07.2006

Mobile News
I just noticed while surfing the web with my 770 that Bloglines has a new option to minimize and maximize the left sidebar. It works great for reading feeds on the 770 when I want to view just a particular feed's content. It's almost as if it was made for the 770's screen. I am surprised it's not such a big deal in the media. It just goes to show you how some small things make a big difference, yet are seldom talked about.

Internet News
Netvibes has announced their mini API. This is going to be huge! I can imagine there's going to be a ton of Netvibes users contributing to the greatness of the service. I plan on working on a 3pm module real soon. I can't wait to see what great new stuff comes of this.

Podcast Links:
Buzz Out Loud - 04.06.06


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