ParkWifi Software From Nokia
Some new applications are now available from Nokia for N80 or N91 mobile phones and the 770 Internet Tablet. Since I only have the 770 out of these three wifi enabled devices, I'll show screenshots of what it looks like on the tablet.
ParkWiFi Detector [v.1.0]
Much like the built-in wifi scanner that works quite well, the ParkWiFi Detector does the job of getting you connected quickly.

Park Channels
Currently there's no version of this application available for the 770, but from the description it seems to be more of a simple media browser for the N80 and N91 phones.
ParkCast [v.1.0.1]
This application is similar to the built-in audio player, but only allows for the streaming of channels, in which you can also add your own.

My thoughts after trying these apps out are that they are definitely good to have on the 770, but so similar to the built-in apps that Nokia would be better off including them in the next version of the Internet Tablet OS.
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