Sprint Launches Its First EV-DO Rev. A Network along with
Novatel's new U720 Rev. A USB modem to access the
ΓΌberfast network. Although San Diego will have first dibs on the new network, Los Angeles, New York, Washington, D.C., and others are soon to join in on all the EV-DO goodness in the future. Sprint says the network upgrade should be complete by Q3 2007. It's going to be a great year for wireless.
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Let us know what you think.
Even though the novatel U720 has not officially been announced by Sprint yet... we have them for sale, RIGHT NOW!
Novatel U720 Now Shipping
We also know that the device is compatible with Intel-Macs!
Novatel Ovation U720 Mac Compatible
Order yours now, at Booster-Antenna.com (they are going fast!)
The Mac+EVDO EXPERTS are at http://www.EVDOinfo.com
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