Tech News-
Nokia 770 Doing Surprisingly Well - Never underestimate the power in numbers of the Open Source community! It seems Nok

ia has hit the sweet spot that many Open Source fans have been waiting for. The combination of well designed hardware, the freedom of Linux and great software, and a price point only a geek could love is impeccable. Expect others to try and mirror it's success in the near future.
I suggest anyone interested in learning more about the
Nokia 770 to check it out.
Also check out what users and fans of the device are saying about it at
Internet Tablet Talk.
The Google Wire- There have been many rumors swarming the web about what Google Co-Founder Larry Page will be annou

ncing at his keynote tomorrow at the 2006 Interntational CES. From a Google PC to a Googel Pack (software bundle) to a pay-per-download video service. Then there's hints at the company is teaming with Apple, which is interesting because they have there own media download service with the iTunes Store. There hasn't been this many Google rumors since the hype around the deal they made to co-deliver the Google Toolbar along side Sun's Java Runtime Environment software. I don't know if any of the rumors are true, false, or off by some margin, but I do know that it must be big considering whatever is being announced is being announced at the International Consumer Electronics Show.
Motorola And Google Align For Mobile Search
A Commercial Runs Through It - Article by Robert Cringely
Update:- Google Announces
Google Pack and
Video Marketplace!
PSP News-
PSP To Connect In March-
Rockstar Working On Two New PSP TitlesLinks Of The Day-
Google Video Downloader-
ThoughtFix on the Nokia 770
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