Google Snatches Up YouTube

Gizmodo - Official: Google Buys YouTube
Gawker - Breaking: Google Buys YouTube for $1.65 Billion
Yahoo News - Google snaps up YouTube for $1.65B
Ars Technica - Google buys YouTube
PC Magazine - Google Picks Up YouTube for $1.65 Billion
Market Watch - Google to acquire YouTube for $1.65 billion in stock
Daily Wireless - Google Buys YouTube
And of course the comments alone from Digg stories are worth their weight in gold...
Its confirmed. Google buys youtube for $1.65 billion
Why It Make Sense For Google To Buy YouTube
Google & YouTube - Six reasons why this deal makes sense
And finally, we leave you to what this deal looks like to us, and the Google-YouTube acquisition conference call [for however long it stays up].
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