3pm Injection [25]

As for the blog, it's there to bring 3pm users to another dimension of what the site has to offer. We'll continually bring the latest and greatest music news and content that we hope will compliment and enhance the 3pm experience.
What started out as a NET9 exclusive, will now be a regular feature. The 3pm Injections that many have come to enjoy will be making a smooth transition to the 3pm blog to make sure new, as well as returning, visitors know where to expect to see them in the future. The 3pm experience doesn't stop here though. Go mobile with 3pm LITE and be sure to check out the merchandise at the 3pm Store. Remember, "Get your Injection here, Overdose at 3pm".
Welcome, and enjoy.
3pm: "It's not just a time, it's a state of mind"
Blackalicious - Paragraph President
Junior Boys - Like A Child
Kriss Kross - I Missed The Bus
Missy Elliott - Really Hot
Mystikal - The Man Right 'Chea
Previous Injections
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