Predictions For 2011
This is our first predictions post composed entirely on a mobile device [iPod Touch 4G], and we know it won't be our last. NET9 is five years old now, and we are growing a little wiser each day. This year has been very enlightening, and we are excited about the future we are building. So here's what we've got...
- TV is changing, weather you like it or not. 2011 will see concepts like competing with ideas like Google TV for your visual attention, and depending on if you're a die hard cable cutter or just want to add the web to your TV for simplicity, you will have new ways to watch what's on. We also see Google TV coming to PS3 and Xbob 360 in 2011.
- Your mobile device is the new PC and so much more. Today's mobile devices have become more powerful than the desktop PC of five years ago. Not only in power, but in functionality. Watch as the next stage in computing changes again with technologies such as NFC, AR, gyroscope sensors, bio sensors, and compass sensors. This is the tech that you'll see a lot of in 2011.
- Geo location gains steam in 2011. With the much needed help from augmented reality and NFC tech, where you are will be about much more than just checking in to Foursquare or other similar services. Coupons and local deals will continue to drive location-based services for the foreseeable future.
- Messaging, voice, and video communications shape future for carriers. Data rich devices and services are changing the telecom industry, and we see monumental changes taking place in 2011 that will fix or break the way many will use mobile computers. This is one of the largest issues we will face in coming years that affects the progress of mobile computing. I see a future where wifi makes an inevitable comeback because of this.
- Slates, tablets, and pads are the next computing fad. In 2011 we will have several Android tablets, and of course Apple will have an update to the IPad as well. The Blackberry Playbook also comes to market, and I imagine Microsoft and Nokia won't be too far behind. But like the netbook trend before it, we doubt it will last longer than a few years.
- Gesture-based ui and voice recognition begins to replace the mouse and keyboard in 2011. The Kinnect is just a first step for Microsoft's agenda for changing how people use computers. Windows Phone 7 could greatly benefit from this tech and even change mobile computing forever. We see other big companies like Google and Apple continue to advance this new paradigm in computing in the future as well. This is one area we are particularly excited about, and look forward to being a huge part of.
- Touch UI tech reaches inevitable limitations toward the the end of 2011. Touching will give way to letting the advanced camera and microphone technology handle majority the UI in computing. People are getting tired of fingerprints. After that we move to thought-controlled systems. We believe what mobile devices look like will change dramatically during this transition.
- NFC will finally go mainstream in 2011 with big names like Nokia, Google, Apple, and others building the tech into mobile devices. We see mobile payments being the biggest factor in this movement, followed by gaming, file sharing, shopping, and even ticketing.
- "Voltronization" begins now... All the features of our mobile devices will start to come together in very interesting new ways. The hardware is now more than capable, and software is more powerful than ever. Demand is growing for a congealing of all the functions of a mobile device in order to represent more and more of ourselves as accurately as we can. We are here, this is what we are doing, take a look, watch how this happens, it's happening now, and sure you can check it out again later if you like, but we'll be doing something else by then so...
Thanks for another wonderful year. To all our readers, Happy Holidays. Stay warm, safe, and loved. We'll see you in the future.