iPad 2: One More Thing...
So the iPad 2 has been shown, used, and dissected hundreds of times by the time you’re reading this. The tech in the iPad 2 is not very exciting. Front and back cameras? The iPod Touch 4G has them. Thinner and beveled edges? Got that too. What’s truly exciting about the iPad 2 is the dual-core A5 chip and the Apple Digital AV Adapter allowing you to mirror everything done on the iPad 2.
Aside from a better back camera, these two features are all that I am missing in the iPod Touch 4G. I’m willing to wait for those until my next mobile upgrade. But that doesn't tell you what I think of the iPad 2. I like it, but won’t buy it. I have a laptop, a smart phone, and an iPod Touch. I don’t see and need for an iPad. I have come to the conclusion that if I can’t take a computer with me everywhere, it’s not truly useful to me. Sure, it has a larger screen, but I could have that with the digital AV adapter.
No, the iPad or iPad 2 is not for me. I find the iPod Touch is far more useful to my needs as mobile computer. But beveled edges and cameras be damned! It’s all about the massive number of useful apps and awesome games. Apple has the magic thanks to the developers. It is this growing app “gravity” that will solidify and extend Apple’s lead. There’s no doubt that the iPad 2 will sell in droves and will be great for attracting even more developers perpetuating the process. 2011 is definitely the year of the iPad 2, but the year is just getting started, and a lot can happen in a year.