Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Shoes

I successfully bought shoes online via my phone last week and was even able to track my shipment too. Finding good quality clothing that I actually like the look of is hard for me to do. Clothing, especially shoes, are the scariest things I can think of buying online due to the worries of "will it look the same as in the images?" or "it's my size, but will it really fit?" This was my first attempt at purchasing an article of clothing from my phone, and today my shoes arrived.

They are the AND1 Courtyard Slip On Low ordered from Zappos.com and they were apparently limited in the number of pair in my size. I love shoes that don't need strings, and I still miss my previous pair of AND1 slip-on shoes, but these will do just fine for the summer. They're a perfect fit, the price wasn't too bad, and they look good to me. I always liked the AND1 brand and the various styles of off-court shoe selection. It's just a shame they don't make the older styles anymore. Even today, some of them would look quite futuristic.

Sure this is all a bit off topic, but to be truly serious about being a mobile warrior, it all starts with the foundations. One has to be comfortable while on the move, and a good pair of shoes is just as important as a good mobile device. The AND1 Courtyard Slip On Low is now the official shoe of NET9. So, what's your footwear of choice?

Thursday, April 23, 2009


We made it! This is our 500th NET9 post. Nothing too significant, just the end of the beginning of what NET9 is becoming. It's been a very interesting journey over these few years, and the best part is that it's just getting started. We have seen so much happen over time in the world of mobile technology. I have a feeling there are even more great new things to come. There's no doubt that we'll be here to share our thoughts, ideas, and opinions on the latest developments about mobile devices, the web, and so much more. Thanks to everyone who's checked us out and especially to those that have given us support over the years. Stay with us as we continue to grow and learn in this great technological time.

"Ah, 500 posts. That makes us too old to turn back, and too young to stop moving forward."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

3pm Turns 3 Years Old

Three years ago an idea was born around bringing music to the web in a free, organized, and easy way. 3pm is that idea, and it is still alive. I learned a lot from working on the 3pm project from the very beginning. How much work was involved in keeping links up to date, how not to tangle certain legal business practices with certain "illegal" creative works, and most importantly how much I love music as an art form. 

I made a few cool friends along the way, but tons of enemies also. At first, the adversity of what 3pm brought to my very door drove me even harder and I accepted the challenge with a passion I had never known. It suddenly somehow grew into more of a chore that I made myself do. I think that's when I needed to take a step back from things to see that my new passion for the 3pm movement had clouded my ability to enjoy and appreciate music as an art form. I let 3pm to itself for awhile and started just doing 3pm Injections and it seemed a lot easier for me to work with, but recently the "haters" caught up with me again. This time I couldn't fight what was happening. Entire blog posts were being removed by Google themselves.

Here we are once again. My love for music is stronger than ever, and the 3pm legacy will continue. I will breath life into 3pm so long as I am able to breathe. I've been itching to do an update to the 3pm site lately, and a lot of links are in need of repair. So as we journey into the third year of 3pm's existence on the web, I just want to say thanks for everyone's interest in the idea and Happy Birthday 3pm.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

3pm Injection 04.09.2009

Another day, another new 3pm Injection. We have three new links for you to check out this week. I happened to stumble on an interesting video on YouTube the other day also. The Lonely Island Feat. T-Pain - I'm On A Boat. This has to be the most ridiculously funny music video I've seen since the El Mudo - Chacarron video. Anyway, enjoy the links and have a great week.

[1] + [2] = [3]pm

Thursday, April 02, 2009

3pm Injection 04.02.2009

We haven't had a 3pm post in a while, but it's time for one again. The main reason it's been so long is that we were unsure how to bring you great music from around the web without getting NET9 shut down by the "haters".

So we've decided to try something new. We're gonna give you the actual links to the pages with the music. That way, you can choose the songs you want from a larger selection. It's not the neatest way to do the 3pm Injection, but it's almost all we have left in our bag of musical medicine. We hope you enjoy, and we welcome your feedback.

3 p m - "3 Places for Music"