Big Wednesday...
I'm torn between forking up the green for the new N95 and N-Gaging in some hot N81 action that was announced today. I love the idea of how the N81 has dedicated gaming and music keys as well as an unexpected Navi wheel function in the 5-way navigation pad, but the device sort of lacks in other specs (especially for the price). No TV out? Only 2 mega pixel camera? No GPS? And no US 3G support?
On the other hand, the N95 8GB is awesomely packed full of features that are well worth the price. But alas, no US 3G support, and although 8GB built-in storage is great, I would miss having removable storage. If this is "what computers have become" then the N95 needs removable storage options. I know the 3G issue is due to the slow moving greed machines that are the US telcos, but that's not the biggest missing piece keeping me from getting one of these devices.
After seeing the Nokia touchscreen demo and hearing about the 8 million iPhone touchscreens ordered by an "unnamed" mobile phone manufacturer, I'm thinking about holding out a bit longer to see what else is around the corner. We'll see how I feel about it in a few weeks.
Overall, the Nokia webcast was well executed, the devices and services all look and sound great so far. It will be cool to watch as both the hardware and software develop over the next few months. Oh yeah, I almost forgot...
I, for one welcome our new Ovi-lords.