Levels of HTML knowledge
6 levels of HTML knowledge among people, spanning from next to nothing to those who write the actual HTML specifications. Quite a funny read and not to be taken to seriously.
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6 levels of HTML knowledge among people, spanning from next to nothing to those who write the actual HTML specifications. Quite a funny read and not to be taken to seriously.
- Looks like Netvibes is working hard as usual to bring users more great features to its service. They have recently announced that the service would be down to make the upgrade. Other recent updates to the Todo list, Calendar module, box.net module, and other improvements were made as well. This is one Web 2.0 service that is growing fast and becoming more mature everyday.
The company told ISPCON attendees that there are so many business opportunities out there, it wants to offer franchises to WISPs in markets it's not pursuing itself.
Internet2 is plenty fast when it comes to speed. It currently runs at about 10 gigabits per second. But that might seem downright glacial when the network operators are done with an upgrade. Plans are afoot to use 80 channels to pump 10 gigabits per second per channel, and upgrade the total backbone bandwidth to a whopping 800 Gbps.
Web applications replacing the desktop? Here are two problems we need to solve before that can happen. Problem 1: Offline Access. Problem 2: Encrypted, Searchable Storage.
Popular Russian online music download service AllofMP3.com has been declared illegal by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), and prosecutions are reported to be underway. The Moscow-based service, whose market share at 14% comes second only to iTunes in the UK, has been accused of not paying royalties to artists.
Here we are, 9th 3pm Injection and no complaints in a while. Looks like all is well in the land of 3pm. For those that don't know, 3pm started as a personal music project for myself and a couple friends to use while programing, building web pages, studying for classes, and various other boring tasks. From what we have gathered, 3pm really helps get through the busy nights of work. I'd like to think there are a lot of people out there using 3pm for the same. It's been a while since I've looked back at the progress of 3pm, but I still use it to get through the busy nights. These days, I am busy finding more links. And for me, 3pm has been worth the trouble.
WiMax and 802.11n (and related standards) are somewhat unrelated. Wi-Fi is a local area network technology; WiMax (whether fixed, nomadic, or mobile) are wide-area network technologies.
It seems Pollyanna to assume that Intel (Viiv), Apple (iLife/iHome), Microsoft (nearly everything), Cisco (LinkSys/Scientific Atlanta), Time Warner (most everything), and Verizon (should be everything) would work together to build out simplicity, convenience, and integration for all things IP in and around the home. But what are the alternatives?
- Del.icio.us has updated their home page to show a hotlist of popular links.
An Internet that leaves the current Internet in the dust is within reach. Some lucky individuals have already seen the possibilities thanks to the next-gen Net\'s major research network, a consortium of more than 300 universities, research labs, government agencies, and corporations called Internet2.
This tool crawls your entire site and then analyzes all your pages for duplicate content. It shows similarity percentage among all pages on your site, so you can see what pages are similar enough to trigger a flag in major search engines and consequently they can penalize your site for duplicate content.
Web browsing on portable phones still has some way to go before it is as useful and convenient as browsing from a PC, but a new industry consortium wants to change all that. Their plan? Introduce another top level domain called ".mobi", which will feature content formatted for mobile devices.
- Business 2.0 gives their view on the next stage in mobile evolution. Guess what? It's gonna be a wireless one.
We all know who rules the roost when it comes to downloaded music sales. But who\'s number two? The answer may surprise you.
Could the two companies have a partnership as early as tomorrow?
As online downloadable video becomes mainstream, it may become difficult to find the shows you like to see on television. There are many sites popping up everywhere that provide noteworthy solutions to this problem, and as some are still in the early stages of development there may be some gaps where episodes of shows are missing. Some of these sites are providing video content illegally, and some are not. Then there are those that contain a mix of legal and illegal content. Anyway, it's all laid out for now in the sites listed below.
The technology is in its early stages, there's no proven business model, and there's strong disagreement about how the trend will play out. But most experts agree that voice over IP (VoIP) will eventually combine with new types of wireless broadband to change how businesses and consumers acquire and use mobile and fixed voice services.
Well, it's been fun everyone. This is the very last 3pm Injection. No one seems to care about 3pm anymore, so I'm shutting it down. Just kidding. 3pm is safe and the Injections will proceed as well. It would be a lot cooler if we got some feedback though. I've got no problem with silence though. As long as people like 3pm that's all that matters.
"Carbon nanotubes -- incredibly strong, electrically conductive, hollow molecules of carbon about a nanometer in diameter -- have for more than a decade been prized by materials scientists. They've added them to batteries to increase their surface area and are developing light-emitting nanotubes for telecommunications."
"What if Internet Service Providers decide to just block Skype altogether? Some companies are working on solutions to block Skype and other VoIP-traffic. Skype's battleplan is simple. If their user base is large enough, companies will think twice about tampering with Skype traffic."
News.com cracks me up at times. The article on "Broadband Speed Overkill" is just one recent barrel of laughs. Yeah, a lot of people are getting more bandwidth than they need, but those that do want/need bandwidth can't get enough. I'd say that given enough time, applications such as high-definition video, video streaming, and large web applications will take up the "unused" portion of the bandwidth they speak of. My philosophy is better safe than sorry, meaning broadband service providers had better keep customers happy with "too much" than "too little" bandwidth. With the market becoming more and more competitive every day, there's no room to mess around with how much is too much when it comes to broadband service.
A reporter from PC Magazine showed up at a Sony event in NYC where the company was displaying their new AR laptop and mobile pc. While there, Sony was playing a Blu-ray DVD, "The House of Flying Daggers." But when the reporter ejected the DVD, it was really a DVD-R! Sony wasn't too happy.
A leading Internet authority has approved a new set of Web addresses to serve, in effect, as Internet telephone numbers.At a recent meeting, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the group tapped London-based Telnic to administer the addresses.
- Internet Tablet Talk has news that Nokia has announced the Internet Tablet 2006 OS Update. The update will be available free for download for existing Nokia 770 owners second quarter of this year. New Nokia 770 owners will get the new 2006 OS pre-installed. The update includes the promised Google Talk software as well as other UI enhancements. Here is the full Nokia Press Release.
That�s right, a streetlight in Zoetermeer (Holland) allows users to surf the web through a Wi-Fi connection. Developed by KPN, Lucent, and Tyco Electronics, it boasts two LCD screens for displaying information. No word yet on if we�ll see this technology stateside.
Animated gif about the news we have lately read: 3D glasses are taking off, the two big boys Nokia and Google signed an agreement to merge 770 WiFi device and GTalk software, and as we already know, Google won the WiFi area network contest in San Francisco.
Yes. It is really very, very free. There's no prepayment, no minimum use, no subscription, no monthly fee, no nothing. You just download and install Skype and then you start calling. Both the caller and the number called must be in either the US or Canada. There are no strings attached.
- jkOnTheRun has news that Sony viral marketing campaign hints at a new Sony U ultra-portable and just revealed More Sony UX pics for those interested. The Sony VAIO teaser notes that more info will be revealed tomorrow.
a service that allows passenger access to the Internet via a specially developed Wi-Fi Access point installed on a moving vehicle.
Just about the re-start of the Thin clients and network computing.
- Internet Tablet Talk has word that Google and Nokia are teaming up to bring Google Talk to the Nokia 770. This could get very interesting.
Tommorow is Mother's Day and the 16th is my mom's birthday as well, so this is for her and all the mothers out there. Happy Mother's Day!
A Russian company labelled by the music industry as as an "unlawful" operation was nonetheless second only to iTunes as the favoured destination of UK digital music buyers during April 2006, figures from UK-based market watcher XTN Data reveal.
- NewsForge has a great article highlighting the true strength of the Nokia 770, the applications.
Ars asks Is Internet Addiction a real problem? Be sure to take the test and see how addicted you are. The idea is laughable at the very best.
From the how-kind-of-them dept: The recording industry has magnanimously decided to ask the government to change copyright laws, to allow people to rip their own CDs, so they can be listened to on other devices. Of course, it's ridiculous enough that the industry has to give its approval to such a move.
Link is to a PDF document hosted on Sony's site. The third page lists the differences between the two versions. The cheaper version does NOT have Memory Stick, HDMI, or wireless.
"3tunes is a time-shifting application for the website Pandora.com. It grabs the music information from the titlebar of Mozilla Firefox and then saves the music with the correct track information, in the format of %artist% - %title%.mp3. "
Cisco Systems is planning to announce a new wireless module for its Catalyst 6500 Ethernet switch that will provide more centralized management and enhanced features for Cisco's Wi-Fi product.
In the US, most of the people have one or more broadband access services to choose from - variations of DSL from multiple vendors and cable. That is if you're in a metropolitan area. For more rural locations your choices are limited....if you have any at all. Therein lies an opportunity for those willing to pursue it.
So yesterday was my birthday, and I feel pretty. ^_^
Off Topic
Good article on Wired News about the new unfinalized Wi-Fi standard. Should we, the customers, invest in 802.11n, even though it only received 46% at the last paltry vote? 802.11n does promise a huge performance boost. I hate how all of these corporate battles screw us in the end. It's the same darned thing that's happening with Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD.
More news on the Net Neutrality situation - Rep. Ed Markey introduces a separate bill after his amendment was voted down in committee. Let's see how far this one goes.
The chief executive of networking gear giant Cisco Systems Inc has traced his vision for the role unified communications and virtualization would play in the enterprise, during his keynote at the Interop conference in Las Vegas.
The spec-in-training also failed to garner a simple majority, with only 47% voting in favor of moving the draft to the next step in the IEEE process.
Wireless manufacturers go ga-ga over 802.11n
Do you really know what it takes to be secure when accessing a public wireless network from your own laptop? Paranoia is definitely desirable when keeping your information private.
Not much to report here. Had a few network problems for a few days and had to find alternate Internet access to get work done. I'm still recouping from the trip this past weekend, so news may be a bit sparse as I catch up with everything going on.
The New York times is talking about a new social WiFi radar application called Jambo, that finds chance encounters everywhere, even on airplanes.
A company called Eye-Fi has invented SD memory cards that have Wi-fi capabilities built in. That way you never need to pull the memory card out of your digi-cam or phone, just transfer you images over to your comp. immediately. This kind of cuts off the need for a Bluetooth dongle.