News 08.31.2006
- According to Engadget, slavery may soon have its uses once again. This time at the nano scale level. protein-coated parts are expected to help drive the bacteria powered micromotor that could create free power to micro devices of the future. Let's just hope those enslaved bacteria don't decide to revolt, or we may end up with a grey goo incident on our hands. I, for one welcome our new...oh wait, that's the bacteria's line.
- Mark your calendars 3pm fans, October 3rd has been declared "Day Against DRM".
- Nokia has acquired gate5 AG, supplier of maps, routing, and navigation software and services. What makes this especially interesting is specific mention of the Nokia 770 in Nokia's press release. 770 users may soon see maps and navigation software from this deal. Also, since the 770 has a mic and speaker, one might even expect some sort of voice navigation feature as well.